Monday, July 27, 2009

Part Of My WorkiNG PlacesS

spycam everywhere... ^^

haha~ Me seat in car __-----

watchiNG My dad,,,~
OVer thERE ` ` `
S33 hIM ????

IF yu In the pIC...
U will suffer~ !!!! Coz tHE Fucking weather hOT Lik3 [[[ HELL ]]]

This place really L3t my skiN gettiNG Black , aND Black.....^^


nO Idea ...wHEN Ur miND Think of ___MONEY___~KEKE~!!!!!

Pls ....saVE MOney~ ***** Coz moNey nOT that easy to earn~...seriousLY...

The money u really used energy to earn...Only caN L3t u save it...

ppl always said~ : money easy COME , easy GO~ This untiL Now i only AGREE,,,


1 comment:

  1. you should start studying now instead of focusing on work my friend...
