Tuesday, October 6, 2009


其实男生找女朋友的原因是为了什么???? Wa Beh HiaO----
还是身边的好朋友全部都有了女朋友,自己也想找一个==不要输人 ^^
选错了,真的就一辈子了***##### PO PI PO PI____-----
人类就是很 [[[  犯奸 ]]],有女朋友的时候,就会说没有女朋友不知道多好,自由自在-----
哈哈===听说而已""""" K3K3

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


25 Sept I wilL Going to Singapore...^^
Act I going On 25 got some reasons...Coz my Best Friend's Birthday-----Besides, meet my Bro there~ ####
But today i felt so dissapointed, Coz My dad suddenly said He can't going with Us....Really suck La...[ expected ]
Wasted the money : ticket : Rm 400.00 Gone~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My friend's present I havent buy yet...Cham~
I think treat her dinner better La hor """"""""
Anyway , I feel so happy coz can meet again with them....***** I sure will going to check it out the famous Club in Singapore...^^ Dude---wait for m3,,,,Go Go Go--->
AND  pls dun hope I will bring back any SouvenirsS yz... Lim Beh boh lui~ hahahaha
I will missS u guysS....dun worry....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

几时才能够长大 ???

其实我在想,我应该玩够了嘛---但是我觉得到现在好像还不满足的*** ==="""为什么??妈的
我十三岁已经出来 【玩】了。到现在已经有10年了### 惨~!!!!!!!
为什么别人都能做到,我不能呢~ +++++
还好这次的长假我有很多的工作去做。。不然我想我会走火入魔…………^^  变成老人痴呆症!!!

我不想住在家里""""""""""" 也可能是因为我住在外面太久了,很不习惯现在的生活吧------!!
我会试试每天去喝点奶粉,应该会长大~ ^^ """""""

Friday, September 11, 2009


I will going to DISTED=COLLEGE continue my study On Jan ~ ^^  zzZZZZZZZ
Now during my damn long holidays...Boring.~
CHINESE said---Rest because wanna continue to keep going --- #
AgreE~ !!!! LOL...
But still have 3 more months to go...Dunno until Jan...i will change my mind or not...****
One thing I can sure is---I d decided to continue my study=====
Coz study really nice~ ^^ I Love this kind of life...SUIT to me~ *@
HAHA---Probably my future wife is waiting me over there==--- lol...DREAMING''''''''''
I wanna get someone got educated EH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EARN money for m3---KEKE...^^

Thursday, September 3, 2009


因为我们 AIM 的 TOPIC 都有出 **** SONG~
没有意外的话,我想一定能及格:::感觉真好 ······!
努力了 [一] 天,哈哈,没有白费||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
我现在真得很想有一个机会可以到英国留学===""""" 。
《 正在幻想 》

Sunday, August 30, 2009

NIce Programme~''''

Today I went to attend one good programme---!!! Was how to breed the young fishes```
This programme really let me felt so interesting and also gain more experiencez to me.....
But this class have to pay RM 300.00=== ^^ damn it
9.30am Until 4.00pm ~

1st step is to take a cloth to close it eyes---and holding it's tail tightly.
After that, use knife to cut it's head''''

2nd step is to turn back it's body--- ^^
Cut a small hole at it's stomach there~ /

3rd step is to use the clipper to cut over it's stomach...***

Last step is to take out it's sperm...and then clean it up...
After that, put the sperm mix up with the ovum '''
Put in some salt water, DONE~ !!!!

Spray all the eggs on the net'''' After 30hours, the young fishes will start to swim out...and must take out the net...whether the process success or not--- 
The process how press out the ovum , I din take a photos..^^ Sorry--___
Coz I recorded as a video clip...~ !!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

EnjoyiNG SingLe LIfe----!!!

Recently My cellphone became more and more silent----'
When My phone ringing just my families member calling ~ Order me do these , Do that ~
But I feel good/ Coz now I can absorb more experience!!!
Now Im learning how to manage a businessS-@
Is the time I have to stand out and take care of my dad some part of business''''''
I D success everynitezZ Stay at home..---# coOL___Seldom going out together with friends
Sometimes will felt Lonely~ But I try to get with it '''
I have no more times to play D===
So I have to sacrifice [ Entertainment ]
I will try more to help my dad and communicate more with him--____--
Coz before I seldom seldom seldom chat with him####
Only when I no more money, then just call him--- AND ask for money===>
This thing really let me felt weird in these couple years~!!!!!!!!

No G.f , One thing great is can stay peace ^^ Im enjoying now*** k3k3

Sunday, August 23, 2009

b3 HAPPY===YA----

Wondering ~---=====---~
We never met before---, Y u so like me ???
One thing I wanna say to yu iS'''''' [[[ When yu meet Me, yu sure Will feel regret ]]] ~!!!!!
Coz Im not that good as u think--___--HaizZ===
Summore Im getting older AND older...'''' Black Black jOR ^^
Face got aLot Of pimples~ Short''''' Treat Gals very BAD`!!!
Dun feel sad for ME===! JesS
Enjoy ur Life pLS~ Human Not Only survive for Love:
Still got alot things to do rite...?
Welcome to PENANG --___1St thing===
2nd thing is enjoy in penang during ChristmasS~

Saturday, August 22, 2009


WAt is this Car ???? !!!! ^^
Omg---___This Vehicle call ----[[[ HUMMER ]]]=
UntiL now, I only saw this kind of car twice in PENANG--!
AND this car was my dad friend's car...

HERE I wanna complain is the wheels~ ^^Coz not so big enuff for this car...---@

Its Back totally not NICE ___Wahahahha~!!!!!
FUCK yu~!!!! Wayne_Alan=
Poor wayne not ability to buy it and gave so many comments ===cham~ Beh Paiseh~***

That day I follow My mum and her friends went to enter a bid---
bid for a Land====
Got 1 Land budget start bid from RM 1 million'''''
bid until 1.6 million.....My dad's friend [[ this car owner ]] straight called 2 million''''''
Omg___he was cool....As I watch in Hong Kong drama...珠光宝气
Finally he got it....2 million to close a deal~!!!!!!! He was my idol~
One worker in whole life dunno whether can earn 1 million boh..

Monday, July 27, 2009

Part Of My WorkiNG PlacesS

spycam everywhere... ^^

haha~ Me seat in car __-----

watchiNG My dad,,,~
OVer thERE ` ` `
S33 hIM ????

IF yu In the pIC...
U will suffer~ !!!! Coz tHE Fucking weather hOT Lik3 [[[ HELL ]]]

This place really L3t my skiN gettiNG Black , aND Black.....^^


nO Idea ...wHEN Ur miND Think of ___MONEY___~KEKE~!!!!!

Pls ....saVE MOney~ ***** Coz moNey nOT that easy to earn~...seriousLY...

The money u really used energy to earn...Only caN L3t u save it...

ppl always said~ : money easy COME , easy GO~ This untiL Now i only AGREE,,,


Thursday, July 23, 2009

MONEY MONEY MONEY...----!!!!!!

Every morning when woke up...alL Th3 ppL will going to work for ---MONEY---
Y My father always no money....AND he still wan to keep moving...
He Always said to Us ____FIGHT for surviv3_____~
He dUN Care family advise...Just Do wat he wanna to DO~!!!!!!!
But I always beli3v3 hIM,,,Coz he is mY father===***** I Fully support hIM*#
My grandpa so Hat3 hiM_---SOm3times will told M3 about my father bad attitude---bUT I dun car3 others how to watch him;;;;;; I TRust he wilL Do it well ~ GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TOday morning quit3 buSY~ ^^ _---- I Drive [[[ water car ]]] wahahahaha~!!!!!!!!!!!
Coz noW I tak3 care som3 part oF My father businesS...It call ===Delivery Red Earth===
I Taken the water car to wash the road~ ****
quITE FUN~ ^^ But daMN ---HOT---KEKE
ALL my friends asking m3 y recently lOOK So darK~ ^^I SAid no ideA...MOney neeDED~
Just tak3 care of * Redearth AND Fishery * D caN L3t mE Become [[[ INDIA ]]]
Now i OnLy know...WOrking really nOT THat easy as I THOUGHT~

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Quit3 HappY....^^

Today is my best friend's wedding nit3...^^
Finally he get marry...*** 1 thing I feel sad is I still ----SINGLE....!!!!!!!
FUCK....~ HaizZZ
anyway____I hop3 they have a sweet wedding tonit3...THE AND---/

U d had B.f_____sienzZZ-----If not I realLY Hop3 caN Be wiTH U------~!!!!!!
I wiLL COntroL Myself to miSS U.... i dunwan to try chase U ^^...
I really cant be third party...I CAn feel u so happy nOW...So I Dunwan to be a bad guy...wahahaha____
When sometimes can chat with u...thats D enuff for m3...~!!!!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009


Today so si3nzZ...c0z my aunty called m3 fetch her daughter went to hospital....
God damn early have to wake up D...~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND I forgot jor i got alot of thingsS to d0...RUSH Lik3 heLL._____
Next time I dunwan simply to make promise to the othersS D....

Later i have to go to th3 Fishery coZ Today stilL Got seLL Fishes...
And I hope the sales caN keep goiNG....____So that only can change my uncle mind to shut it down....

RecentLy I Plan to change my car...but i have to do saving very months 1st...
Coz i know that...wan to buy a car not that easy...___
have to consider so many [ SUPPRISE ] thingsS happ3n...
If my fishery can gIve my salary on time every months...i no need to think so many...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today act quite fr33....no need to do so many things...
Ehm...Just my mum called pay EPF ...print my IC...Duno really do EPF statement Or wanna borrow money from others...SSS ___^^
My salary every months not stable~ How can i do so many installment...+
they just said...[ bla bla bla ] ___Good for yu in futur3****
If bank black list me....i will going to kill them,,,,im not kidding!!!!!! wahahahahaha
I just hope that can pay for me...^^...th3n in future when im retire...Got some money to spent...***

RecentLy, Always heard my friends said....BOH LUI...NO MONEY...SICK...plus plus...Wat the [ F ] reason~!!!!!!!!!
No money , we can go no money place MA...^^ Kopitiam also can...
I just wanna meet them,,,and chat__thats all~ If not, Usually stay at home really damn sienz...ZZZZ
Today got some friends act wanna meet m3...But my brO dunwan to go~...haIZ...Bobian__----- Pais3h ya..
N3xt time only meet u guys La...
Just enjoy urself@~
WithoUT wayne_alan----------th3 music still playiNG...^^PO........PO..K3R FACE~
Oh ya,,, LateLy dunNO Y...always thiNK ABout {MARRY}~ ^^
I d promise my family...If this time i bring a girl come back home___
She wiLL be my wif3 ^^ haha>>>>> They Dun believ3 Me...
They laughing at me...and said___----SEE FIRST----Dun made promise simply****
So start from now...i have to pick properly_-----
I wanna prove to them wat im saying is true~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


HAiz...My suCK UncL3 Suddenly cAlLed m3 HAndle alL FIsherY THIngsS...
hE WANna pass alL TH3 thiNGSs t0 m3...daMN It...
I stiLL wanNA Play ....sumMORE I'm nOT ENUff ExperinCEsS--------
hoPE He'S kiddING T0 m3...oR JUst drunK____TAlk nonsense....
PLus....My grandFATHER calL M3 after GraduaTE....ConsiDER To tak3 CAr3 paRT Of mY DAD's busiNESsss*****
REally hoP3 THat...i stiLL Is a chiLD..No nEED To thiNK TOo muCH...:::::::
whEN ppL WANna maKE A CHOice...really nOT THat easy>>>>>>>
haVE To consiDER So muCH Of thiNGSss...woRRY wiLL Do th3 WROng deciSION.....
What i suppose tO Do nOW?????????????? WHO caN JUst teLL M3 How tO PIck th3 BEst waY IN My futuR3...~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SOm3tiMES...I will thiNK...
Ehm....I GOIng t0 stUDY For waT ???? IZzit caN HElpiNG M3 To geT A GOOd jOB///
oR JUst wanNA L3t ppL KNow thAT...I'm tH3 person whO HAve hiGH EDUcated...
alL TH3 beSt,,,,,,i wiLL THInk abOUT It properLY....

Monday, July 13, 2009


and...toDAY I DAmn busy...cOZ My company's lorries alL BROke doWN...
THese haPPENED REally maDE Me suffer....SUCK....HOpe duN HAppen agAIN TO Me..
boSS TIme is nOT NORmal...soMETIme be employEEs better thAN BOss...
hahaha....NO Need to thiNK aND WOrry So muCH THIngs///